Ο λεξικό του ChatGPT βασισμένο στην τεχνητή νοημοσύνη
Λεξικό ChatGPT

Αγγλο-ρωσικό λεξικό

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Λέξεις που ξεκινούν με "W": 18064
warm air curtain
warm air duct
warm air heating
warm air heating unit
warm air register
warm antibody
warm autoantibody
warm autohemagglutination
warm blood
warm boot
warm clothing
warm concrete
warm corner
warm countries
warm current
warm descriptions
warm front
warm heart
warm house
warm imagination
warm in colour
warm language
warm mass
warm mixing water
warm over
warm partisan of smth.
warm reception
warm saw
warm site
warm stage
warm standby
warm start
warm support
warm temper
warm temperament
warm thanks
warm the bench
warm the bench sport
warm tints
warm to
warm to the touch
warm towards
warm towards see warm to
warm up
warm up a workstation
warm water method
warm with
warm with wine
warm with wine ‹with battle›
warm work
warm ‹cold› tones
warm ‹cool /qualified/, enthusiastic› welcome
warm-air heater
warm-air heating
warm-blooded animal
warm-temperate zone
warm-up period
warm-up time
warm-up tosses
warmed-over cabbage